Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Glass fiber–reinforced concrete (GRC) consists basically of a cementitious matrix composed of cement, sand, water, and admixtures, in which shortlength glass fibers are dispersed. The effect of the fibers in this composite leads to an increase in the tension and impact strength of the material (Bentur and Mindess1). GRC has been used for over 30 years in several construction elements, mainly nonstructural ones, like facade panels (about 80% of the GRC production), piping for sanitation networksystems, decorative nonrecoverable formwork, and other products (Bentur and Mindess1). In the beginning of the GRC development, one of the mostconcerning problems was the durability of the glass fibers, which became fragile with time, due to the alkalinity of the cement mortar. Since then, significant progresses have been made, and presently, the problem is practically solved with the new types of alkali-resistant glass fibers and with mortar additives that prevent the processes that lead to the embrittlementof GRC.

    1 reviews
  • Raj Janorkar

    Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

    3 years ago