Clever Three Wheeler Vehicle

In general, the reporting period was from July 1999 to April 2004 for GIDAS and GFAS. The NASS data analysis describes the statistic period from1996 to 2002. Additionally, for the period of time between 1985 and 1995, data of 1029 motorcycle accidents and 89 scooter accidents are available.Because of the special design, the same accident situation as for scooters and motorcycles can be assumed for Clever. The driving performance and the application areas, which are mostly cities, is mostly similar with scooters and motorcycles. Because of the fact that for Clever a restraint system will be used, which is comparable with state-of-the-art restraint systems for cars, the occupant kinematics during accidents and the injured body regions could be more similar to car accidents than to scooter or motorcycle accidents. That is why, different accident data (for cars, motorcycles and scooters) were analysed.

With the constantly increasing need for mobility, particularly in urban areas, various problems arise including the urban space and energy consumption. In addition, exhaust and noise emissions have to be mentioned. In order to be able to satisfy the mobility needs in the future, new solutions are required. The project aims at improving urban transport, whilst minimising of negative environmental impacts caused by increased mobility. Within the CLEVER project, various requirements are recognised. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new concepts for individual urban transport to close the gap between conventional individual transport and public transport. Due to the increasing readiness of customers to buy a second or third vehicle, there will be a market for new, innovative vehicles for urban transport.Different European companies and research institutes (e.g. BMW, TAKATA-PETRI, Technical University Berlin) are working together to meet the requirements.

    1 reviews
  • Raj Janorkar

    Clever Three Wheeler Vehicle

    3 years ago