DTS-I Technology

It is very interesting to know about complete combustion in automobile engineering, because in actual practice, perfect combustion is not at all possible due to various losses in the combustion chamber as well as design of the internal combustion engine. Moreover the process of burning of the fuel is also not instantaneous. However an alternate solution to it is by making the combustion of fuel as fast as possible. This can be done by using two spark plugs which spark alternatively at a certain time interval so as increase the diameter of the flame & burn the fuel instantaneously. This system is called DTSI (Digital Spark Ignition system). In this system, due to twin sparks, combustion will be complete.

This paper represents the working of digital twin spark ignition system, how twin sparks are produced at 20,000 Volts, their timings, efficiency, advantages & disadvantages, diameter of the flame, how complete combustion is possible & how to decrease smoke & exhausts from the exhaust pipe of the bike using Twin Spark System.

Another similar seminar is present here - DTS-SI System