Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizations as processes or practices.

Keys to Knowledge Management Implementation

the implementation of a technology tool does not, in and of itself, necessarily lead to greater knowledge management. For that to occur, KM must be approached more strategically.

An Oracle white paper - Getting Knowledge Management Right (PDF) - outlines several steps that should first be considered, three of which apply to internal corporate communications.

1. Start with a clear definition.

Set realistic, precisely defined goals and objectives for the initiative, says Oracle. Start with a phased approach that enables knowledge management to be fine-tuned before wider application.

2. Foster collaborative knowledge creation.

Embrace social networking in the form of ESNs as a part of a knowledge management strategy, This will enable rapid develop of useful content at a lower cost.

3. Think globally.

Organizations that start small should not limit their thinking about the uses and value of knowledge management to just one business division or geographic location. It can have broad advantages across the enterprise and should be treated as a corporate-wide initiative.

Don't expect this to happen overnight. It may take time for organizations to adapt to a more open, collaborative culture. Find some people within the company who can champion the project and rally everyone's support. You will also need the blessing of management to free up necessary resources.

The key is to be persistent and keep your "nose to the grindstone." Over time, small steps should lead to bigger gains.