Remote Administrative Torrents

Remote Administration Trojans, also known as RATs are the most popular type of Trojans today. This type of Trojan allows the creator or who ever is using it to gain access to victims are there and perform many functions on their computer. These RATs are very easy to use, coming in a package of two files a server file and a client file. If you can get a chance to run the server file, resulting in obtaining his/her IP address, you will gain full control over their computer. These Trojans can also be bind into other programs which seem to be justifiable. Remote Administration Trojans in a general sense open a port on your computer and themselves to it. What they are really doing is making the server file listen to incoming connections and data come through these ports. Once some one runs their clime program and enters the victims IP address, the Trojan starts receiving commands from the attacker and runs them on the victim’s computer.

    1 reviews
  • Raj Janorkar

    Remote Administrative Torrents

    2 years ago